Announcing the 2005 FSJ Invasion-East Coast


New Member
Mar 23, 2005
Goldsboro NC
Announcing the Third Annual 2005 FSJ Invasion-East Coast

When: June 3-5,2005

Where: Uwharrie National Forest

Why: To celebrate the FSJ and the offroad enthusiast at a family friendly atmosphere!

Who: ALL FSJ enthusiast and their familes! 4x4 Club attendence is welcome as well!

How: Bring your stock to highly modified 4x4 Rig for some easy to challenging wheeling!

Cost: Camping at the Group Camp is being paid by BJ's Off-Road . All other cost are your responsibility!

**-For campground reservations at Arrowhead if you do not want to stay at the group camp goto:

Or goto this link for all other campground and general park information:

We will be hosting the event out of the Uwharrie Group Camp.

Email Brandon Pachey @ with any other questions or concerns.

Thanks, hope to see you at the Invasion!

COME FOR THE FREE VENDOR GIVEAWAYS AS WELL! Event merchadise will also be available for donation on site! No pre-registrations will be handled this year, so please post on this link if you are attending:

Check out the past Invasion's at
stone said:
whats fsj????

FSJ - Full Size Jeep

Couple of examples of the FSJ's are the old Cherokee Chiefs and Grand Wagoneers. Of course I could be missing a few other models somewhere...but I'll let someone else fill that in. ;)
Yep, also the J-Trucks, CHerokee NT's of all years and the M-715's count.

It should be noted however that the Invasion is open to all makes and models of 4x4's!
This mean I need to jut a JEEP sticker on the K5 Blazer before I get there? :mad:
I will take the "Attach Stuck Heep Here" off!! :) :p
I've got a friend coming in from out of town that weekend. I was wanting to take him out there on the 4th. I guess I don't have to worry weather or not anyone else will be there! What time would you be hitting the trail on Sat. mourning?

I'm still open, so just light stuff and spectating!
Satuday is the "main" day of our event. Trail rides scheduled will be going on all classes at 10, 2 and 8.

Other then that its hard to say who will be where when. We will be in the Group Camp so stop on by!