Another title question


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2005
Winston Salem
i've been going back and forth with the people i got this 52 Chevy truck from trying to get the title, now it seems the estate has been closed and the grandmother cant get the paper she need to b able to sign her name on it, so she said she would sign the grandfathers name. My ? is will the DMV no that he has passed away? if so what else can i do? Can I just back date it to before he died? I've heard there is a fine if you wait more than 20 days after the title is dated.
This really isn't that complicated. First your problem is not knowing what to do, then relining on grieving people to know how to help.

Some one person or lawyers will have power of attorney to sign on his behalf. They simply sign their name then attach a copy of the PoA along with it. The POA can be for ALL his affairs or spell out specific stuff. Search for POA on google and take 5mins to read up, then search the NCDMV as to how that pertains to this issue.

OR you could go down to the DMV and ASK them all these questions and get the proper forms you will need.

If your looking for ways to sidestep the Notary process your not going to hear the answers you want here. Your on your own to figure that out.
Actually....POA dies with the person. Then, the appointed executor/administrator has legal power to act in closing out the deceased person's affairs. If the estate is closed, then no one has legal power to act on the grandfather's behalf. OP says that the estate has been closed. When the estate was closed, somebody inherited that vehicle, title transfer or no longer belonged to the grandfather, or the estate.

I did not stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night, but have been thru the process.