I have a cablevision question. our house does not get cable. the i can see about 10 houses around us that do get cable. one is about 100 yards the others are about 150-300 yards. They say it is too far for our house to get cable.
How does cablevision work? I mean it has to go miles and miles from the 'sub station' but they can't make it go another 300 yards from the road to our house? How can I convince them that 1 house is worth hooking up? Any body had similar experiance?
The close house is close enough that we get there wireless highspeed internet, but we would like to get cable tv. (my wife doesn't like the fact that the channels on direct tv don't go in order)
How does cablevision work? I mean it has to go miles and miles from the 'sub station' but they can't make it go another 300 yards from the road to our house? How can I convince them that 1 house is worth hooking up? Any body had similar experiance?
The close house is close enough that we get there wireless highspeed internet, but we would like to get cable tv. (my wife doesn't like the fact that the channels on direct tv don't go in order)