I attract crazy people. I'm also afflicted with "fixer's disease." This story kinda combines the the two. It's also a good reminder to keep my big mouth shut sometimes.
I was wandering through Home Despot one afternoon, looking for nothing in particular. Wandered back into the electrical tools section where I saw an older redneck couple talking to a salesman about the merits of some fine wire cutters vs. a set of heavy crimper/cutters. The salesman was obviously struggling with their questions. (Shocker, I know!) Due to my experience in the electrical field, I happened to have both sets and extensive experience with each, so I offered up my help. They said they were trying to pull some carpet staples out of a floor, but they had been hammered pretty flush and were trying to clip them in the middle so they could pry them up and get purchase with pliers. Made sense, sounded legit, I recommended the crimper/cutters as the tips are strong and should have no problems dealing with a staple. They thanked me for my time and I wandered on.
Fast forward to fifteen minutes later, I'm wandering around the power tools when they approach me again with both sets and more questions. They reiterate their story about the staples in the floor, which at this point is sounding a little suspect. Finally, Dooder fesses up. Turns out his wife had surgery and had staples in her stomach. They were "up from Florida" and claimed that the doctor there was supposed to have given them a removal kit of some sort, but didn't. And he said they couldn't find anyone to remove them, so last night he had gone at one with a pair of pliers and got it out, but it just hurt too bad. So he figured clipping them would be the answer, but "they're tight against the skin and...here! If you wanna see them... Honey, show him!"
I politely declined the gut shot and told them that they needed a doctor, not a technician. Said peace and was on my wandering way once again.