I am a pipeline welder. I am heading to PA on Monday for a large job for Marcellus Shale. They are booming up there right now. I would hoave to say I love having my own rig. I Have done everything from Code B pressure pipeing to monell, enconell, hastalloy, 9chrome, 2 1/4 chrome, Duplex and Super Duplex to name a few. I have worked in nuclear plants and regular coal gen plants doing boiler tubes with a mirror. So yes I am a professional welder. I have made great money, good money, bad money and no money. You have to be willing to chase a dollar if you are wanting to "strike it rich". It takes a toll on you and your family. Best of luck to you and your venture. PM me if you want to get some inside on pipe welding. ALso best to start out as a welders helper. Much better than school.