HA! Yeah.... take Shawn's advice..... and tell your wife it was his idea. Good luck,
@shawn ..... she will find you I'm sure.
When I met my wife, she had two daughters from her previous marriage. When she was pregnant with our first daughter, she wanted to be all natural and health conscious because she wasn't with the other two. She even didn't die her hair to keep chemicals out of her body. No pain killers for birth, just natural. 15 hours of labor later, Lily was born, but badly bruised from her head being pushed against my wife's pelvis. She looked like a mangled mess. After that, my wife said, "Next time, I'm taking the drugs." Sure enough, epidurals for both of the other two. Kendall was out in 45 minutes. Zach was similar. I didn't even pay attention to time for him, I was just happy to finally have a boy.