Anybody else in Greensboro hear that?


New Member
May 14, 2010
I live around Friendly center, and it sounds like theres little clusters of bombs going off all around the city. Fire trucks and what not going by everywhere. Anybody know whats going on?
Oops.. Guess I watched too many of the "2012" videos today. The scanner was down for around 10 minutes, and I could see little flashes of light coming from the Friendly Center area. Talk about epic scaryness! I had to bust out the 12 gauge for a while. :rolleyes:

It turned out to be, (from what I understand), a transformer or two off of Holden. *whew* Escaped the world ending, didn't we? :rolleyes:
I was just at the Friendly Center after dinner. I saw mall securitry (in a Jeep Liberty no less!) harrassing some punk kids, I wonder if they were involved :lol:
It was a couple of transformers in one of the courts behind Friendly..near the Bog Garden. They were lit up like a christmas tree.
Lol, i'll ask my grandparents if they heard it. They practically live IN the bog garden lmao!

And Friendly mall security is a joke! lmao!
Tell me about it. I know one of the guys who works there. His name is "Handlebars".
o_O Kinda looks like Jamie off of Mythbusters. Lol!!!
Thinking back, its been too long since I screwed with the rent a cops. Oh how I miss it.
I noticed the rent-a-cop's Liberty had a brake light out...would've been funny if a real cop pulled him and wrote a ticket.
They're tags are actually out of date. I was thinking basically the same thing last week, Renegade. xP
Thats weird. It was right in between Holden and Hobbs.