anybody use sprint wireless?


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2006
rockwell, NC
ive been haggling with sprint/nextel on the phone for the past hour and im thinking about getting one of the hybrid phones that use sprint for the phone and nextel for the two way. with the discount they offered to me its the cheapest plan i can find. i have nextel now (and the past 8.5 years) and the coverage area sucks. sprint is suposed to be better. anyone have input on sprint? i was going to go with verizon, but sprint has "any mobile" which is free to call any mobile phone no matter what provider they have.
ive been haggling with sprint/nextel on the phone for the past hour and im thinking about getting one of the hybrid phones that use sprint for the phone and nextel for the two way. with the discount they offered to me its the cheapest plan i can find. i have nextel now (and the past 8.5 years) and the coverage area sucks. sprint is suposed to be better. anyone have input on sprint? i was going to go with verizon, but sprint has "any mobile" which is free to call any mobile phone no matter what provider they have.
I use sprint cause they are wicked cheap compared to everyone else for me. Where I live the coverage is fine. I'd find someone, or ask them to check coverage at your house kind of thing. All of the coverage seems to be hit or miss in the mountains, but my ATT seemed to consistently get SMS's and emails better than either my Sprint or Verizon phones. But Verizon's seemed a little better for voice. (Ditched Verizon cause nothing on it works in most of my house. :D )
those hybrid phones are pretty good JB. I'd recommend it personally if you can find a hybrid phone that you like. that's what I'll be doing when I get rid of my Nextel Blackberry.
my sprint cell gets much better signal than my nextel. The new sprint "any mobile anytime" program is awesome. as long you arent in roam, and you have to have an unlimited data plan to get it.
i was looking at the everything data 450 plan. i might even go away from the direct connect to get a better phone for the internet, idk yet. ive never had an internet capable phone before.
it's not THAT great. IMO the Nextel Blackberry would be awesome if they would just get all the bugs worked out, and if it were a little more durable.
I have had it and it is no better. Not only that, it is a pain in the ass for tech reasons because it is a hybrid.

Best deal going for a Nextel phone is Boost for $50/month with unlimited phone/walkie-talkie/text
I switched to full blown sprint from nextel so I could get a new phone. REALLY REALLY LOVE THE SAMSUNG MOMENT but I have got to say the battery life is a bummer. I've never really had reception problems for either (in raleigh) so no clue on that end.
I have had it and it is no better. Not only that, it is a pain in the ass for tech reasons because it is a hybrid.

Best deal going for a Nextel phone is Boost for $50/month with unlimited phone/walkie-talkie/text
thanks. well if i change at all i think i'll go full sprint. i dont even talk to but maybe 5 or 6 people on nextel DC anyways. most of my friends have switched from it. anyone know how the coverage area is on the boosts?
I made the change and happy for it don't get a hybird go with a sprint smart phone I love mine.... matter a fact that's how im hooked to this site !!!!
I M O , I like Verizon but I travel every chance we get and it works great. We were in SC last week and leaving for TN thursday. Been to 48 states and canada and I like Verizon best. We ditched our landline over 4 years ago. Tried most of em.
Go to US Cellular. Piss on Nextel or Sprint

fixed it :D

Pretty much had every carrier out there. US Cellular works the best for me. Sprint was terrible. Had to go on the front porch to get reception and talk on the phone :shaking: customer service was crap, coverage was crap, so I left Sprint and never looked back
I had the hybrid nextel/sprint up until about 7 months ago. No positive change in the phone service, really never noticed a difference. Push to talk did not change a bit, might have gotten worse. The phone was junk. I went to a straight sprint phone and service got alot better, and who still uses the push to talk anyway?

Push to talk is outdated and slow. I had Nextel from 6/97 till 4/09 and my original nextel number was *14 so it was on of the first. It was great back in the day for us contractors when cell service gave like 60 minutes a month for $100. Now it is a PITA and outdated.

Go Verizon and don't look back
well i ended up going full sprint with the everything data plan and the palm pre phone. got it today and i love it. although im still tryin to figure out half the stuff it does. f@ck nextel
Love my new Hero on Sprint!
yeah my numbers the same, and now im officially a texter.

i looked at the hero, but i wanted one with real buttons for the keyboard, dont know why, i just did. plus the palm pre is alittle smaller.
yes I'm on the palm pre right now. I never thought I would be this advanced