Anybody using Ubuntu


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2006
Hollywood, MD
Yea, i cant get Flash to work with firefox. On some sites it works and on others, like facebook's restaurant city. Uses flash. And i cant get on to freakin RUN MY RESTAURANT!!! AAAGGGHHHH!!!!
If that's your biggest obstacle with Ubuntu, you're doing well!
Are you running Shockwave Flash, or the open-source equivalent? I don't remember what it's called. This is 32-bit, or 64-bit Ubuntu? Jaunty?

How did you install flash? apt-get or through the web installer?

I'd try reinstalling flash and run Update Manager. Getting Flash to run properly in Ubuntu can be a pain in the ass. Fawking ubuntuforums is off-line again, so you can't even go there for help.
Been running Ubuntu for quite some time now. No problems, no issues. Occasionally, some Windoze dominated site won't load properly, but that's obviously their problem. In the past, I have had issues with the 64-bit distro (I use 32-bit). The normal user won't see a difference here anyway.

Make sure you've got the flashplugin-nonfree and ubuntu-restricted-extras packages installed. I've been running Linux for a long time now. Started with Slackware, went with Debian for a while, tried several others. Ubuntu is a good stable distro.
I've been running Ubuntu exclusively for a couple of years now on my laptop. Only have one problem, just haven't taken the time to work it out yet. FF will lockup after watching more than 3 or 4 youtube videos...all I have to do is force a quit, resume windows, and all is fine. Other than that, very trouble free.

Ubuntu/Linux takes a bit more finagling to get setup right, but well worth it in the end.
well I got it partly done. Now it actually shows it run. But that's about it. I'm runnin Hardy 64 bit. Also on my plate: wine.
Yeah, adobe isn't putting a load of effort into its linux-based flash engine and I think that causes the rub. I've found that the ad-block plus add-on is a great savior in that area. Also, my laptop has this issue less often than my desktop.

I was just thinking that the last time I set Ubuntu up for someone, it was easier than setting up windows on the same hardware.

You're having problems with Ubuntu too Rich?

We're using it on a test PC here at work, and it's throwing fits at some of the hardware..
Here's the link for the 64-bit install:

I'd run:
sudo apt-get remove adobe-flashplugin flashplugin-installer flashplugin-nonfree

Before trying the 64 bit version. If that doesn't work, try reinstalling flashplugin-nonfree

That's about all I can help you with. I'm only running Jaunty, and that's not on any 64-bit hardware.
Well, got it to work now. Sweet. Next on the list, wine.
Any idea what fixed it?
Try out It lets you run virtual machines within Linux (or windows). You can run Linux with a VM under that running XP, Vista, even another Linux. Great for testing, or if you have that one app that just won't run under Wine.
I tried your link, seemed like that done the trick
Oh, spoke to soon, now sound isnt workin when i try youtube or hulu.
Yea, gonna have to keep tryin
Oh, spoke to soon, now sound isnt workin when i try youtube or hulu.
Yea, gonna have to keep tryin

The guys doing the intermediary sound service in Ubuntu are working towards fixing that issue. It's a case of competition for resources. There are fix processes out there, but it is also possibly a sound card issue (some proprietary drivers aren't able to talk to the system properly).
yea, did some readin too. PulseAudio prob.