Anybody want their kids Powerwheels modded?


Active Member
Aug 20, 2009
China Grove
Just of few of the rides I have done for my boy. Starting him early!:driver:The two trucks are true 4wd. The Jeep was my first attempt to fab a frame. . l_8cf9f6e69eb7fb8d652435eab8c83dbc.jpg
Nothing is impossible with a welder and an imagination. Very nice pic. Let's see if there's anymore of the little ones rides on here!:driver:
My 3 kids have one blue wrangler, one pink wrangler, a hurricane (no pics) and a Deere. All stock, too busy modding my toys.



Put some TSL's on that Red one...plenty of room

My daughter has a Barbie Jeep like the pink one...

Thanks BoltOn John...she loves that thing

and her Pa-Pa bought her a JD mini-gator that he keeps at his they can tend to the farm an such...

:beer: Good Times...!!!
Yeah I got a little carried away with the jeep, but he hasn't ever flipped it. Plus as heavy as it is kinda hard to steer, but he likes it.
Back when my kids was power wheel size we took cheap tiller tires and cut the tread out and screwed the tread to the hard plastic tires
About 25 years ago when I had one my dad cut out the battery box, riveted in a box he built, and put bigger batteries in it from a fence charger or something like that. Made a huge difference.
that cool i want to get my neasie one. How much would you charge to make a 4wd barbie jeep lol
Just let me know how you want it and we'll talk. We can go wild like Josh's black truck or go a little milder. Let me know man. It would be cheaper if you already have one, or I have some used ones we could paint up with a girly theme and frame it out with 4wd.:driver:
sweet! my son has a jeep. we'd love to make it 4x4... can you post more pics and info on how you did it?
Yeah man, I'll try to get them up as soon as I can. I need to stand it up and take pictures of the bottom to give you a better idea of what I did. Basically I flip them over and remove the wheels and gearboxes/motors. Then break out the tape measure and start planning the frame. Normally the steering is the toughest part, other than that it's pretty easy. The same goes for powerwheels just like our trucks or jeeps, you have to use the same gearboxes as the rear so your not dragging or pushing. When I get the pics up you can pm and I'll help you out as much as I can.