Anyone else working today?

I received an email sent at 3:59 today saying that the director had ordered 59 minutes "administrative leave" time for everybody, lol. Nice warning.

Of ocurse I was already 500 miles away from the office, lounging back here in NC at the MILs by then...
I got off Monday Morning. Regular schedule had me off Mon and Tuesday night, then plant closed for 24th and 25th(regular scheduled to work) then regular scheduled to be off the weekend. so..................

I am off from this past Monday morning till I go back in Monday night the 29th.

KInda sad, with Christmas and all, all I can think about is wheeling this weekend at Mnt City!
Gotta hate christmas shutdown,gotta work everyday but christmas and new years day.
I can take as much time off as i want... In theroy.

Checkbook says that I should be there on friday and saturday
I'm working today and new years eve but I got holiday pay wether I work or not on the 24,25and 26 then again on new years eve and day on top of regular pay. Some of the days fall where it takcs on overtime as well