Anyone ever donated Plasma?


Triad Trail Junkies
Aug 26, 2008
I've heard about doing it for years, but just never really gave it a second thought.

A friend of mine asked me to go with her some time, she said she will get a bonus and they will pay me $160 for 3 donations, takes about 30-45 minutes each time.

Sounds like some easy extra money for jeep parts. Anything I should worry about?
You should be worried about waking up in a ice cube filled bathtub with a note that looks like this:

Other than that, nothing to worry about. Well, that and Ebola. That's one bad mother......
If you get paid, how is that a donation?
If you get paid, how is that a donation?

Hell, I don't know. That's just the word they use apparently.

Either way, sounds like easy money and I like easy money.
If you get paid, how is that a donation?

The payment is to cover your time/expenses for doing it... not payment for the plasma...
Do it. Its not bad $ for the time spent. I did it in college for beer $; it should be safe, I did it and I turned out mostly OK :D

Works both ways. Your blood is thinned so it takes less beer that night to catch a buzz...

Used to give it when I used to have "time".

Reminder! It is recommended to give blood once a month not just for others, but to help your own system stay clean as well.
Works both ways. Your blood is thinned so it takes less beer that night to catch a buzz...

Used to give it when I used to have "time".

Reminder! It is recommended to give blood once a month not just for others, but to help your own system stay clean as well.

Note to self... be careful giving plasma on fridays. Lol
Sounds like its not too bad, gonna see about going next week.
I did it for a long time. Since I have had both the smallpox and the Hep B vaccine I made a good bit of money doing it. After 9/11 I was making $200 a week for the smallpox vaccine program. Not bad pay for laying in a bed while a pretty gal pokes you in the arm.

Do some checking and see what different places pay. I donated at Serologicals. They are no longer in business.
$200 a week sounds good... This would be more like half that lol
The payment is to cover your time/expenses for doing it... not payment for the plasma...
$160.00 for 45 min is a very big payday for time and expenses to lay down with a needle in your arm.
I feel cheated. I used to give platelets regularly and never made a buck.

Uhh ref's are astronomical dude... Just google "healthy to give blood". Actually I thought it was common sense. For your old blood cells to reproduce and replenish into vibrant new ones to protect the body reducing your chances for heart disease and cancer. Especially re-occurring. It's the best prevention for any kind of blood disease.

Have a guy I work with that has had cancer and blood banks won't take his blood due to his records. But due to the tremendous health benefits for his situation, his wife learnt how to take his blood and he jokes that it's good for his garden.:) lol. I never questioned further for he is a unique character...o_O
I spent a few weeks in Wilmington I the early 90s, 'gave' as much plasma as I could. It sounded too good to be true, but it all seemed to work out well, walked out with cash in hand every time. I think the first time was the biggest payout, then it decreased from there. I remember being a little worried about being rejected because I converted to rastafarian. It was never an issue, I was back after the minimum resting period mon.
Used to sell my plasma when I lived in Omaha. Until I caught a super cold that knocked me down for a week. Still have the needle mark they used all the time 14 years later. It was a real shady place and remember there being a lot of homeless people selling plasma there.