jeep was big on the trail.....lokked good but didn t get a pic. was hoping someone saw this cherokee or has a photo......fullwidth on 40's..thanks alot
Iroks, no doors, high-pitched bundle of personality with a kid or four in it? His name's Todd, if it's who I'm thinking of. If I come across a pic, I'll post it.
Still not sure we're talking about the same cat. If it's the guy I know, he introduced himself as Todd. I've got some friends that work with him in the Hickory area.
just a note, i know you guys are only trying to help. i'm also NOT pointing any fingers. just a general suggestion to think about how much info you should reveal about a friend to a stranger. it's almost always friendly and nothing to it, but some things like this have turned nasty where there are angry people, ex wives, etc. out for revenge and are tracking the guy any way possible.