anyone have anything against 39.5" irocks


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2010
thomasville nc
right now i have 37"s on my yj and have the opportunity to move up to 39.5's. so let me know if you have some and love them or hate them. i know my 37's hook like mad on a "dry" rock
I haven't ever been impressed with what i've seen boggers do on wet/muddy rocks, and it's just plain not fair to compare run of the mill iroks with sticky treps anyway.
My rear boggers do fine on rocks, but they are heavily grooved. I have TSL's on the front that are also grooved. I would not run boggers on the front on rocks. They tend to slide off the rocks sideways.

Sticky krawlers are great on rocks. But not fair to compare.

the 39.5 Iroks are a higher load range. And don't flex well. I wouldn't run them.
39.5 pitbulls if you can take the width
thanks for all the inputs. this thing is street driven to work sometimes and whereever i go wheeling. it's a 95 yj 350/350/205. with full width axles. i'm not telling what kind b/c i dont want to hear the abuse but $850 for an almost new set of radials is kind of hard to pass up. but they are huge compared to my 37's.
little late...but if they are the radials i wouldnt bother with them.

The bias Iroks do pretty well for east coast trail riding. They arent a sticky...but they do pretty damn well. I have run a set of 40 iroks, 42 iroks, 38.5 SXs, 38 TSLs, 36 iroks, 39 red labels, and now im on a set of 40 Treps. Obviously the two sticky sets are not comparable...but out of the other tires, the iroks were my favorite. (the 42 was the best traction wise, then the 39.5 and 36.)

For something that isnt wheeled HARD and WHEELED wont really see much of a huge difference in tire. If you are driving it around a whole bunch, chances are you arent really wheeling it hard enough to REALLY tell much of a difference in tire (between all of those options that are pretty close in performance anyway)
radials are no good. I've got a video that proves it. 39.5 IROK radials on Guardrail before it was closed :shaking:


I ran Boggers forever,the last set were 38.5's and then I bought a built rig that had 42 iroks.Parted the rig and kept the iroks.Only had the 42's out once and it was night and day difference over the boggers,but it was dry so cant say how they do in muddy conds.The only thing is it seems the sidewalls are thinner than the TSL's and boggers.