Anyone have "connections" at Vulcan quarries?

Caver Dave

Just holdin' it down here in BFV
Mar 10, 2005
Hooterville (24171)
Hopefully, my grading guy will be over bright & early tomorrow to level the backyard (where I park the CTD & trailer) and dig out a few stumps...
Several contractors have told me I could get a FULL load of crush&run (18-ish tons) in the $200-$250 range... when I call Vulcan, the guys says more like $400-450 ($100 delivery w/ balance for the gravel)!
WTF? Am I getting bad info from the contractors or getting jammed by Vulcan? FWIW, I live all of 5 miles from the Patterson St. quarry, so I'm not happy about $100 delivery... same as if I lived 50 miles away
what are you doing with it? I have connections at all local quarries.

Need it spread over the area grading guy will create tomorrow... basically 60' long going straight back thru the fence/gate and tapering out to about 20'-25' about halfway back). Grader said a "good driver" can spread it almost to the point a little raking will be all that's needed, but said he'd bring the bobcat back to smooth it out if needed... the plan is to "edge" where the gravels are going, so it and eventual grass around it will be the same grade.

Didn't want just plain gravel as it's prone to spinning out from under loaded towrig tires... figured the road bond/crush&run would lock itself together and be dang hard like concrete (but allowing the water to pass).

I've got crush-run for my trailer parking spot ~40' long 12' wide, It was a little soft/dusty at first, but after a few rains and some driving on its now hard as rock and does let water pass, but a heavy rain will still run off (but hasn't eroded it at all) I shoveled the 10 yards by hand.
Mine appears that it will double that size... approx. 16-18tons needed. Ain't no way I'm shoveling it all!

A bud in Asheville has a large parking area in front of his shop and used it with good results. He just box scrapes it once a year to keep it smooth...
The hauling guy we use got me almost 56 tons of crusher run delivered for $769 back in November. Did it in 3 loads, so that works out to about $256 per load, 18.6 tons per load. From what I have heard, he has the best prices around. When we got our house built, the contractor was very impressed how cheap this guy could get quarry materials.

Unfortunately he lives near Snow Camp, and was getting this from the Quarry in Moncure (sort of near Pittsboro), so I don't think that helps you in Winston. But it's a price reference point for you anyway.

Have you tried calling any hauling companies, rather than the quarry? (That would assume they get a better price from the quarry than you do, or they know of a cheaper quarry) Do you know of any quarries out that way other than Vulcan?
Grader said a "good driver" can spread it almost to the point a little raking will be all that's needed

If they can get the truck where you need it spread, then they can definitely spread good enough that you just need to rake it a little.
From working the in large scale construction industry stone is about as precious as gold here in this area... It's typically double the cost of the Raleigh or Charlotte areas...

If some contractors you know can get ABC stone for 14.00 a ton delivered that's absoultely amazing... I just checked w/ one of our estimators and in our area figure 16.00 - 18.00 /ton for material or around 22.00 delivered.... So I'd say the $400.00 price tag is right on for "our" area... Again it's typically much cheaper in Raleigh/Charlotte...(more competition)


Also figure...

15 tons for a dual Axle
18 tons for a tandem axle
20 tons for a quad axle
We buy anywhere from 6,000-20,000 tons of WASHED stone per month from Vulcan and are paying top dollar. They just went up $5 per ton on Jan 1. $450 sounds right for ABC stone. I work for a local Ready Mix producer and we sell what we call wash out. Its basicly leftover, processed concrete that has alot of the same characteristics as ABC stone. It is not as clean but it makes a great base for driveways and parking areas. Im not sure what the exact cost is but I think its about 1/3 the cost of ABC delivered. I can check our current pricing if you would like. The only drawback is that you will have to spread it. We cant spread on the go due to the consistincy of the material.
Seems like the prices above are right inline. I cant help on the price quote, ( i cant find my price sheet for vulcan) but if you will call my boss he can help. He is usually pretty fair priced on hauling. Ill be glad to bring it one afternoon if you get it worked out.

As far as spreading it any good driver can spread it as long as its an open area. If you want ot you can call my boss tomarrow and get a quote. His name is David "Buuba" Rumburg
Phone number- 336-462-6817 .