Anyone have Windows 7 for cheap?


The Jeeper Reaper
Aug 9, 2005
Wake Forest, NC
So we bought a new computer for the house, it came with Windows 8.1. Overall it is a lot better than Windows 8, but it still is pretty bad. Worst is that some software that my wife needs for her work is not totally compatible with Windows 8.1. Guess I should have checked that before buying. Ugh.

I need W7 64-bit for this box. I really don't want to spend another $100 on an OS after spending so much on this machine.
Can anyone you know get a student edition? When I built my last PC in 2010, I got a student edition for like 35 bucks.
Well, I think we found a way to make my wife's VPN work. I am going to try and see if I can stick with 8.1 just to see how we like it.

I was digging through some old stuff and found a W7 Home Premium disc from my old machine that I can reuse.

Thanks for the help guys.
From everything I've seen this only applies to the Pro edition. I need a new laptop too and and am leery of Win 8. My wife has it and likes it ok, but I'm still not sold.


read the bottom section of the link I posted.
It applies to most versions, OEM etc, teh exception is a volume license. But if you buy a new PC w/ it on it' it should not be a volume license, b/c that is not how volume licensing is supposed to be used. The most important thing is to make sure you have the certs and install media from the mfr.
read the bottom section of the link I posted.
It applies to most versions, OEM etc, teh exception is a volume license. But if you buy a new PC w/ it on it' it should not be a volume license, b/c that is not how volume licensing is supposed to be used. The most important thing is to make sure you have the certs and install media from the mfr.

Everything I see in your link and the link to Microsofts site says Windows 8 Pro, except in the replies section. If all versions are able to be downgraded then I will probably get an 8.1 system and try it and downgrade if I don't like it.
