Anyone in the Knoxville, TN Area?


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2008
Granite Quarry
Hey fellas...I was just wondering if there was anyone here in or around the Knoxville, TN area? I busted off a bolt in my block that goes through the tstat housing. I'm at school right now so no backup vehicles to run around and get the tools I need to do the fix and I have minimal tools here with me. So if you're in this area and want to help a guy out with tools that would help, or give me a ride to the places where I could get tools, I would be eternally grateful...and of course, I would be willing to offer some compensation. My problem apparently doesn't concern my so-called-friends. Anyways, if you have any tips on how to get the bolt out with nothing more than screwdrivers, ratchets, hammers, pliers and JB Kwik...please let me know. The bolt is busted off flush with the block. I tried backing it out by tapping it with a screwdriver and hammer with no luck. So it looks like the only fix is gonna be a cordless drill (300 yds from the closest outlet) and an easy out.

Thanks for any help.