Internet pic of my first board, circa 1976.
If the wheels were amber instead of red, I would swear this was mine. Google says its a Makaha Mako.
My west coast cousin (Montana, close enough) was able to convince my parents to get me one while we were out visiting him, so we could skate together. Good times.
I went through decks like crazy in my skate years, ~13 to 18. This would have been the mid-late 90's. Being 200lb prob didn't help. I still hold out hope that my midlife crisis will be building a mini ramp in the backyard and get back to shreddin' for a while, instead of a corvette or something.
All i know is when you nail on the skate be sure to bend the nail over real good. Otherwise it will rip your toe open when boarding barefoot. Learnt that back in the mid 60s. And them steel wheels aint nothing like what they got nowadays. (wheres the mercurochrome?)