well things like cost of living, house prices, ill be looking for law enforcement job near, and how far away are any college. wife has a english degree and wants to teach at a college. i notice from the map that there are several towns near each other. im tired of all the hot and cold drug dealers, shootings and murder. I want to slow down some. you know what i mean
If you looking for good house prices, look in King, NC. It's about 15 mins outside of WS and they have about the best house prices around. If you think you are going to move away from drug dealers by going to elkin or surry county, you'd be wrong. It's just as bad as anywhere else.
well things like cost of living, house prices, ill be looking for law enforcement job near, and how far away are any college. wife has a english degree and wants to teach at a college. i notice from the map that there are several towns near each other. im tired of all the hot and cold drug dealers, shootings and murder. I want to slow down some. you know what i mean