Anyone using netbooks out there???


It's a Toyota thing...
Apr 28, 2007
Anyone using netbooks out there? I got my wife one and I am looking for a lite weight email client to put on it. What software are you using and do you like it? :popcorn::alien:
All I've heard is that if you're comfortable with it, ditching M-soft anything and dropping a Linux install on it will leave you with a pretty smoking computer. It also increases battery life. However, you may run into difficulty getting the wireless working with it, or you may not.
Thunderbird is ok if you are opposed to outlook. I just forward all my pop3 stuff through gmail.
I had to work on somebody's Mini9 a couple of months ago. It was too small. The keyboard sucked and the screen was tiny.

I have an old Dell 700m with a 12" screen. That's about ideal for laptop use. The screen is still too small for some things, but works well for most web browsing. I believe Dell makes a Mini12, so it's probably similar.

FWIW, I get less battery life on linux than on Windows. But from a usability standpoint, either work fine.
Been using one of the Acer Netbooks for the last 8months or so for school/work and its been flawless. It has 3 USB ports so I'm able to keep the hard drive clear of all the BS and put that on jump drives as well as have my Blackberry sync'd to it all at the same time. Running Windows XP Pro, Office 07, Mozilla and a higher end McAfee. No issues yet.
I have a Dell mini 10, and yes the screen is a bit small but for what it is, and for the price ($350) I have been more than pleased. Running Windows 7 starter. 160 gig HD, 1 gig memory, 1.6, 6 cell battery and get around 6-7 hour run time so far. I am sitting in Charlotte airport right now using wireless and it works great.
Thanks guys. I ended up putting thunderbird on there. It is a pretty sweet email client to be free. I was a little impressed.
my girlfriend bought me on from walmart for $200 has window 7 starter and ms office trial. Works good smaller than my toshiba and battery last for almost 2 hrs. Just dont have internet at my house and she wanted me to be able to get online so here i am. It has
-intel atom cpu n270 @1.60ghz
-1 gb RAM
-32bit operating system
-220 GB memory
Works good for getting online at the local deli but not the best for playn solitare
Yo Benjie, how's my favorite girfriend and the little one? Will I see u this weekend?