Anyone watching National Geographic?


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2005
There is this show E-mail order bride on, I feel very embarrassed for the guys on this show! Anyone seen this? Better yet, anyone on here have a mail order bride?
Wierd, one of my employees left for canada a couple of days ago to go pick up his mail order bride. He's an odd bird to begin with so I guess it doesn't seem that crazy for him.

And I thought online dating was for weirdos...
I've seen it once and will not watch it again. One guy had ordered a bride from Russia, I think. Long story short, I think she married him just to get to the US and then wouldn't sleep with him, told him he was too fat (and he was!) He and one of his friends murdered her. His police record was not checked, he had a long history of violence towards women.
Looking for tips, sharks? :lol:

Ha, maybe? I'm kidding.

I've seen it once and will not watch it again. One guy had ordered a bride from Russia, I think. Long story short, I think she married him just to get to the US and then wouldn't sleep with him, told him he was too fat (and he was!) He and one of his friends murdered her. His police record was not checked, he had a long history of violence towards women.

Yeah, that was the one that was on last night. I also found it hard to watch.