Anyone with a Hummer near Rocky Mount?


The Jeeper Reaper
Aug 9, 2005
Wake Forest, NC
My sis-in-law is getting married on June 3rd in Rocky Mount, NC. Her fiance is in the army and is stationed down in Ft. Benning, GA. They wanted to rent a Hummer to drive away from the wedding in, but can't really afford one and there is nowhere to really rent one in RM anyway.

Is anyone here near RM that might lend their services? It is basically driving them from the church to my in-laws house, which is a total of about 1 mile.

Free food at the reception and we'll pay your gas and for your time! Just let me know!

If nothing else, my sis-in-law likes my car so I told them I could use my Trans Am. He really wants to leave in a Hummer, though.