Anyone work for sprint?


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2007
High Point, NC
I have been trying to get a HTC EVO. I went up to my local sprint store and talked to the Manager of the store and he told me one on one that he should be receiving some this week. I went up there today and he told me that he hasn't gotten them in yet and he keeps getting phone calls asking if they have them in stock. He says that he isn't doing a waiting list and he has a couple people (including me) that he is gonna call when they arrive. Does anyone know of any stores that actually have them or know when they are getting some in?
Have you tried best buy or radioshack? I got mine the day they came out from radioshack. No reservation or anything. Just walked in and got one.
Dont buy from sprint, takes way to long to get that stupid mail in rebate. Best Buy does instant rebate and you pay the least amount.