Step 1) Open MS paint
Step 2) open the Excel file and maximize it.
Step 3) Control + Printscreen (in the top right hand of the keyboard normally)
Step 4) Open paint, click paste, the excell screen will paste.
Step 5) Cut out the section of the excel screen you want to share.
Step 6) Open new paint, paste the cut section, save.
Step 7) Upload and share.
^^^ That is how I would do it too unless you have a program to snap the screen. We have a program here at work called SnagIt, which will save whatever you capture on your screen straight to a jpeg, or whatever you want.
well not worried about it now (too late)
But When I print screen to pain the file size is too big for the forum to handle.
And When I attach a pdf it comes up as a link havent been able to get it to display like a picture.
How big is your table and what file format are you saving it to? If it's a typical black and white table without a bunch of colors, save it as a Gif. if it has a lot of color save as Jpeg and Up your compression. But You may not have many save options with Microcrap paint. If you want Shoot me the jpeg and I'll get it small enough for you. or up the size of the file limits allowed OR upload Jpeg to a personal server and