Apr Work Day?


Feb 21, 2017
Fayetteville, NC
Just wondering is there a work day planned the 15th of this month.
got this today. I'm planning on being there.

Hi Everyone – I’m very sorry for the short notice / reminder for this month’s work day. We were all up in Asheville last week for training & I forgot to send this email out when I got back on Friday afternoon & then I was off the past 3 days.

So we’re having a work day this Saturday, April 15th. We’ll meet at 9 am at the Uwharrie Hunt Camp. We’ll be repairing split rail fencing, & guardrail, and we’ll have the decals there so some folks can add the trail numbers to the orange diamonds. If anyone can get & haul the FOU trail trailer, the shovels, post hole diggers & augers that would be great and we’ll use that to take the split rails, posts & guardrail posts to the sites for the repairs. Thanks a lot everyone. I appreciate your help.

Make sure to bring work gloves, proper work boots, eye protection, lunch and water, etc. to work on the trails.

Bye - Terry
Theresa Stevens Savery (Terry),

MS Forest Resources / Watershed Management
District Recreation Staff Supervisor

Forest Service

National Forests in North Carolina, Uwharrie National Forest
I got that too yesterday. I will not be able to make it. The girlfriend and I planned on attempting the much needed repair to her house eve Saturday.