April Fools Day Toyota Crawl (Harlan) (03/30/07-04/01/07)

Let's talk directions:
Last year I drove up 421 most of the way. It looked great on the map but in reality it was a hilly road filled with switchbacks. After a little rain one member of my caravan famously crashed into a house. This year I'll be towing and if I learned anything I learned 421 isn't a good way to go. (And perhaps the importance of trailer brakes.)

I looked at google maps and it suggested I go this way: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&hl=...ll=36.244273,-81.073608&spn=2.879527,5.141602

My concern is that somewhere around step 15 it has me getting onto smaller roads and crossing a mountain range. Given the option, I typically look to do the big inclines on the interstates because they are straighter and just generally easier. Has anybody been this way before? Do you have another way that you really like?

/vanguard sits back and waits for Rich to insult his tow rig :lol:
You're doing fine all by yourself.. :D
421 runs pretty close my house and I won't even go that way. You have to be crazy to tow something on 421 from Mtn City to Bristol through Shady Valley. Where is Apex?
Near raliegh...Mapquest sucks too. Its telling me to go that way from Boone and Im going to be towing something as well. Im with Woody. On finding a more interstate kind of way.
From Boone go 321 to Johnson City, 26 to Kingsport, and then 421 on in to Harlan. Might look longer on a map but it's a nice easy pull, at least till you get to Kentucky.
Let's talk directions:
Last year I drove up 421 most of the way. It looked great on the map but in reality it was a hilly road filled with switchbacks. After a little rain one member of my caravan famously crashed into a house. This year I'll be towing and if I learned anything I learned 421 isn't a good way to go. (And perhaps the importance of trailer brakes.)
I looked at google maps and it suggested I go this way: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&hl=...ll=36.244273,-81.073608&spn=2.879527,5.141602
My concern is that somewhere around step 15 it has me getting onto smaller roads and crossing a mountain range. Given the option, I typically look to do the big inclines on the interstates because they are straighter and just generally easier. Has anybody been this way before? Do you have another way that you really like?
/vanguard sits back and waits for Rich to insult his tow rig :lol:
Woody, this is the way i came back last time. There was about 30 miles of two lane roads, but they werent that bad at all. This is the way i will be coming again this year.
Tshirts anyone?
Online price is $12.00
You must be at the event to get your shirt or let me know who is gonna pick up your shirt. All proceeds will be donated to the Black Mountain Offroad Adventure Park. I will not ship this shirt. So please have someone at least pick it up for you.
send paypal payment to
Please include phone number, full name and size of shirt in the remarks.
We are going to try and have some extras at the event but the price may be higher than the online price. Also we may tweak this design some but this is how it will be layed out on the back of the shirt.
assuming i can figure out why the damn buggy won't run i'll be rolling in around lunch on friday