April Fools Day Toyota Crawl (Harlan, Ky April 4-6)

Thats funny. I will beleave it when i see it.

yeah mark, if you do see me with my jeep dont ride with our group, ill be cutting soo many corners to get it ready, theres a strong possibility ill be under it wrenching more than wheeling. ;) btw dont tell my group about this!
Yeah, like this would be a change from the normal. Just because you painted it yellow dosent mean its not the great green road block anymore. get that thing together.
ncttora is bringing a fair sized crew. Maybe 7 rigs and 12 people, something like that. I'll be there.
I'm just bumping this thread because I'm starting to get excited about this run. My club's turnout was bigger than I thought. I think we'll have about 10 rigs and 15 people. I suspect we'll have to break into two groups to account for different levels of trail difficulty.
should be getting their on thursday...
Anyone comming from the Greensboro area? I need a ride for a set of tires. PM me if you can help me out. I will help out with money or beer or what ever I can do for you.

should be coming in on thursday ... can't wait...
Good, you can come by and help me set up the HQ tent.

I will be going straight to my rental home for the weekend. Come by if you need me. It's right at the property of the Chief of Police (Chief Blas). Gravel lane behind the car wash beside the rusty FJ40. Single wide trailor baby! Lemme know if you need help. I plan to leave J'actionville, NC at 0300. That will put me there about noon to 1:00 p.m.
U not going back to the comp at gulches. Or should i say the hotel bar fri nite.
Na... no chance on the money.. might as well ride but good luck to the NC fellas competing.. they have a real chance.
NO pics But close to 4 inches of rain coming down Lower Damnation was a sight... shooting water into the cab of the buggy right on my wife..........i did not bring the camera becouse of the rain.. Considering i have never been their when it was dry... this was super slimy in comparison to how it normally is ....We made the best out of it and sunday weather was great... thanks for the event...

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