art-carr online order


Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2005
Fairfax City, VA
anyone ordered anything from Art-Carr online before? i just placed an order and it never asked for a CC number or anything. it sent a confirmation email but all that listed was my billing address and shipping address. is this normal from Art-Carr or should i give them a call tomorrow?
I ordered mine over the phone. Their website is not so good.
and manual VB :D

i just couldnt leave my tansmission alone for some reason

Edit: just called them and asked about the online order thing. when you place the order online you have to call it in to pay for it.... what? that makes the ability to place an online order pretty much pointless.
Geez, whatever did we do before full e-commerce... oh yeah, we picked up the phone!

:rolleyes: You damn kids.. :flipoff2:
grrr.... three weeks and they havent even SENT them yet. their manufacturer left out one part of the shifters and so a whole order has been sitting around waiting for this one part. the lady said it would be another week and a half before they got here. oh well, back to the garage... or driveway.