ASU + Flu = ?


Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2005
Dammit, I think I caught this crap, probably from some moron who decided to come to class rather than make up the work later... :rolleyes:

So who else has caught this? I had no idea it was a huge deal until yesterday, the same day I started showing symptoms, so I havent gotten the flu vaccine yet, doubt it'll help now.
I've had the crud since Monday of last week, 1/28/08, I started to feel a little better, then felt like crap again. I went to the doctor yesterday and the only thing I can do now is wait it out. I think some of the medicines only work if you take them within 12-24 hours of symptoms. Sudafed, Dayquil, Nyquil, and cough drops have helped a lot. Some of the weirdest shit I've ever coughed up though.

The worst sickness I've had in 5-6 years though, I usually don't get sick.
Well its weird, I went back to sleep right after I wrote the original post, and now I feel alot better, still a little sore or whatever, but besides that..

Might be the tylenol I took before going to sleep though..
stepmoms boss's kid is sick with that shit, she looked horrible when we went over there to help em with some movin.....just hope i dont get does an australian flu get here?.....ah i got it, heath ledgers family brought it with em.......damn that was harsh haha
South Atlantic — 2.1%
Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, Washington, D.C., West Virginia

how in the HELL is Delaware and Maryland considered south.........stupid scientists....need to get their history and geography
ya know...sometimes i would rather actually get sick.......instead of me getting sick, i get f*#kin fever blisters......i dont get sick, i get around someone that is sick, and i get em...period....its ill catch a cold during the winter, but thats it
I've got it, my roommate has it, and my roommate's cousin has it down here at NCSU. It flipping blows. Achy, stuffy nose, dry cough, headache, and a very high fever.
I started coughing today, and I've got that feeling that something bad is settling in. Sucks. Numerous guys in my group at work have been out sick over the past couple weeks.
I started coughing today, and I've got that feeling that something bad is settling in. Sucks. Numerous guys in my group at work have been out sick over the past couple weeks.

Had it 2 weeks ago... after 5 days, it let up a bit and hit it with a Z-pack. Took another week for the cough to subside.

1/2 the entire company has been rotating in/out sick for 3 weeks now :rolleyes:
this is some crazy :poop: then huh....its freakin im kinda glad, maybe i would rather have a fever blister than this crap
fwiw...for those of you that dont know i work in the ER.

from what i heard early on this was supposed to be a late onset flu season. but i got my shot when they were giving them to us for free. i ran flu tests for months on patients without a positive result. lately i am getting more and more positive results. those shots are only good for a few months, i'm thinking about trying to get another one.
seems like the key to get over this junk is sleep, and lots of it.

I slept for most of the day yesterday, and feel almost back to normal today, sore throat is still around, and still a little achey, but not nearly as bad as yesterday
fwiw...for those of you that dont know i work in the ER.

from what i heard early on this was supposed to be a late onset flu season. but i got my shot when they were giving them to us for free. i ran flu tests for months on patients without a positive result. lately i am getting more and more positive results. those shots are only good for a few months, i'm thinking about trying to get another one.

To add to this - the magic trick here is for the CDC to predict which strain(s) are going to be the most prevelant. There are literally thousands of different ones, and due to genetic variation/adaptation on behalf of the critters, you can't develop a shot shot that will get all of them and still be healthy to have in your body. So, the shot is based on a good guess of what you're most likely to get. And liek any guesses - they can be wrong.
I've had the Creeping Crud for about a week now. Wake up every morning hacking up very thick crap. Our son (3) is having an especially hard time w/ it. I should have invested in Kleenex.