AT Manual valve body?


Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2006
I'm building a buggy (4.3L, 4L60E or older 700R4 or TH350, 4:1 dana 300).

how many people with buggies or very built crawlers use manual valve body in their automatics? Is it worth the cost/trouble?

for those that do not, do you have a problem with it shifting when you don't want it to?

manual valve bodies also maintain a constant line pressure in the tranny, is this hard on the tranny and the pump?

If currently got the 4L60E that was mated to my motor, but there its no manual valve body for 4L60E if I wanted one, so i'd either have to use an older 700R4 or TH350...

What do you think? Thanks for the advice in advance..
As you know, I don't have either a buggy or a built crawler, but my vote goes to having additional shifter(s) and more control over your rig.

Of course, it might be that I just love getting the wild-eyed look I when anyone gets in and sees 4 unmarked shifters in the floor!
How do you add a commanded hold gear?
I actually saw that but wasn't really sure what it does it work? How is it different from a manual valve body?
A manual vb is always manual, if you were driving it on the street,you would still be shifting it. With the commanded gear kit if you were to put it in od, it would shift normally, if you were to put it in 2nd it would make a 1-2 shift and that's it.
With a regular vb, when epc maxes out, it overrides computer controls and forces the shift no matter where you shifter is placed.
x2 on what Lee said... Transgo knows their shit... I installed a HD2 valve body kit in my 4l80e on a former tow rig. As said basically D is all gears normally, and anything else stays or goes into, that gear when you shift the lever at any speed.
So the electronic chevy transmissions will shift automatically, regardless of what position the gear selector is in? As in if you put it in 2, it will shift into 2, but may upshift if you keep it floored???? Odd if so.
So the electronic chevy transmissions will shift automatically, regardless of what position the gear selector is in? As in if you put it in 2, it will shift into 2, but may upshift if you keep it floored????

I haven't "tested" that in my '99 Sub (5.7/4L80E), but have on our fleet of ricers... the computer overrides and will upshift if held near redline.
Another (accidental :rolleyes:) find was 65-70mph, decelerating, & mistakenly dropped into 1st... it held each gear, downshifting when the next gear wouldn't spin the engine past rod snapping RPM... very controlled QUICK decel!:lol:
Huuh? 3 seconds on google..... Page 11 -- 4L80E-HD2

"Ends direct clutch burnup. Holds BIG horsepower.
Holds 1st, 2nd and 3rd any rpm; Backshifts to 3rd,
2nd and 1st at any rpm by moving shift lever. Prevents
broken case and drum due to high pressure."

They have milder shift kits if the reprogramming kits seem to harsh or your worried about having more automatic type features to work with the computer. Or just reprogram the computer.

Just to be clear they have regular 'shift kits' and the HD2 'shift reprogramers' and HD3 full manual control products.
If you are "huuh"-ing me, my expertise with auto transmissions ends at the 47rh dodge trans... which would shift up to, but not past, the gear selected (hydraulic control, so yeah). and yes i suppose i could google too, but that's no fun, right??? carry on!
Seriously ? Golly Geee.... Won't happen again.. :rolleyes:

I was not taunting you, sometime's it is hard to word a response without appearing to challenge someone else. I was simply using the response to confirm you were answering my above post.

As for the google comment, it appears that any question posed on this forum could be answered with the right amount of googling, no? I figured since we were on the subject someone would chime in with a quick response.