ATF or PS Fluid?


Mar 23, 2005
I'm running hydro assist with a yota pump and gearbox and cooler. Should I run ATF or just straight power steering fluid?
Becasue TOYODA is actually the CORRECT spelling.

TOYOTA is the "Americanized" spelling.

As for the fluid, ATF specifically Dextron is the recommended fluid for Toyota PS systems, the sticker that is there but no longer has writing on it specifaclly stated : "Refill with Dextron"

oh and do yourself a favor before you fill the resevior, CLEAN the hell out of it with either solvent or brake cleaner, there is a screen inside that can get clogged up with crud.
Good to go on the cleaning and Dextron. Does ATF take heat better or something? Hey Voodoo, you still out in Archer Lodge? You should come by and look at my ride and tell me just how many ways I've screwed it up so I can fix it all before I go to Harlan. I'm just over here on Shotwell Rd.