Going with this guy
TECO model L510-101-H1-U
120v 19amp at max / 220v 3ph output for 1hp motor
Yeah I'm not worried about rampup ramp down, soft start, syncing, etc etc etc. just want to be able to run 3ph and would be nice to have variable speed.
Not terrible worried about the wiring as
@braxton357 said it seems very straight forward and nearly plug and play (hopefully I don't eat those words). Not highly sensitive components so shouldn't need shielding, EMF protections, and the what not (again hopefully don't eat my words on that too)
But back to the big question.
If inverter duty and can spin down to no RPMs I need a muffin fan and shroud.
What CFM should the fan be?
Are shrouds something I have to make or are there retrofit kits out there?
If not inverter duty, I'm looking at 600rpm motor speed minimum and I will not need a new fan for it?