Axle truss design...i got bored


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2007
Chesnee SC
I got bored so i drew up what i'll more than likely make for my 4 link in solid works...



Let me know what you guys think...btw...this is my first time making a 4 link i.e. fabing stuff for a four link... (not my first time fabing in general) sooo if there is something wrong with it let me know give me some suggestions.

I didnt feel like drawing the pumpkin...:flipoff2:
Looks like a nice design...what are you going to do to help stiffin the unibody? My friend just bent the shit out of his xj unibody...
I would recommend tieing it into the pumpkin also, even using a bunch of the diff cover bolts, a la BTF..
I was thinking about doing that but i've seen alot of rigs that don't ahve it tieing into the pumkin. Is that just for more insurance if you were to rip it off, or is the way i designed it going to rip off for sure.
I've seen alot of rigs with lift blocks on the front axle.. doesn't make it right.. ;)

If you're going to tie it to the axle, why not do it in as many places as possible?