Baby Boomer employment ideas?


Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2005
My parents are both in their 50's and are looking at working the rest of their lives as there retirement plans took a dump. My dad has an ok job, but they are not going to employe him past 65, I'm sure. My mom works part time as a secretary and hates where she is at currently.

I've thought of starting my own business and having my dad work for me, but I don't what that could be. They have taken care of my sister and me and never lived above their means. They just don't have any education past high school or formal training.

I'm just fearful for them down the road and would like to prepare now to assist them later.

Anyone else in this position? I'm afraid this is going to be a huge problem soon for many people.
dont know how many hours they want or how much $ but enterprise rent a car and other rental car companies employee a lot of seniors to drive their cars from store-store and pick up/drop off new and used cars.
Check with the Catawba County Council on Aging. Here in Iredell County, the Council on Aging office helps seniors find gainful employment. They offer job training, and education assistance for those going back to school. They also have an employment program that places seniors in positions at nonprofit organizations. The nonprofits pay part of their salary and COA pays the rest. Its a good deal for everyone involved. Hopefully they offer the same over in Hickory.

You could also look into Senior Corps ( Its kinda like Americorps or domestic peace corps, but specifically geared towards the 55+ crowd.