Back yard trail


91 cherokee
Dec 5, 2012
Well me and my cousin came up with an idea to build a back yard trail,because there isnt many places right down the road to have fun and ride on whenever we wont.So we have got to cutting down all the trees and clearing the trail out right now.We have road around on it and had some fun on it when it rained,but it is going to get really fun because i have access to a bunchhhhh of broken up concrete for free and probably next weekend we are going to be moving some truck loads of it onto the trail.We hope in the end to make it very challenging and loads of fun.But i will try to take some picture of the trail wile we build it and i would like yall to give input on how we can make it harder.

I have a picture from last nigh messing around its not the best pic but ill take some tomorrow,and here is a picture of the concrete i can have .There is more concrete not in the picture ,mostly bigger pieces about a ton each and about 5 feet by 3 feet by 8in thick.


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im working slowly on the same thing. we have a few trails out here at my dads farm he made "to cut wood" lol. he has always had a jeep and made these trails to play a lil and of course cut firewood. Im trying to get some rock to make some hillclimbs more interesting
Be careful using that concrete. That stuff can zip the side wall out of a tire faster than you'd think.
Be careful using that concrete. That stuff can zip the side wall out of a tire faster than you'd think.

Haha it can't be worse than ure rocks can it cause We didn't cut any tires when I whent but I slipped trying to walk around and they beat my leg up.
well we haven't got much more done except playing when its raining,but we decided to both get a trail up the same hill and see who can make there part the best.

my cousin was playing around in his stock chevy

I know posing is lame,but i dont have a tag yet so this is the most wheeling i can do:(

but one cool part is the thing i am on is a rim for a tire

I thought it said "back yard tail". Even though what you posted is cool and all, I am sure you understand my disappointment.
Happy you got room to play; Scott Schwabe in Iron Station, has a small rock garden at his place.
Concrete pieces, from my experience, the 2 X 2', or so, squares , are more like 150-200lb.s But it don't matter!
Happy you got room to play; Scott Schwabe in Iron Station, has a small rock garden at his place.
Concrete pieces, from my experience, the 2 X 2', or so, squares , are more like 150-200lb.s But it don't matter!

Does he have a nc 4x4 he is right near me if he is in iron station and I was going by what I was told but thanks for the info
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