Bad Battery???


Jun 1, 2011
Kings Mountain NC
Ok, I'm a little stumped on this one. My 2011 JKU Rubicon just quit starting on me. Went to go to work this morning noticed my remote did not open the lock. Manually opened the lock with my key, noticed no dome light on. Tried to start, and get nothing. Had to get to work so I took my other car. :confused:

After work I pulled out the jumper cables and was able to jump off my Jeep, but only after leaving it hooked up to my other car for about 15-20 minutes. It cranked and fired up, I let it run for about 15 minutes, cut it off, then turned the key, it started with no problem. I just went outside to check if she would crank up...I get nothing, do dome light nothing. Can it be that a battery would die like that? I always thought there would be a warning sign of a battery going dead.:(

Since my Jeep is still under waranty, I can get another battery from the dealer, but I'm thinking to just splurge and get an Optima battery. Any thoughts?
2011 is a little soon for a battery IMO. I think I would run with a warranty and make sure there isn't something else going on with your electrical system.

I replaced mine with a DieHard Platinum a few weeks ago.
Sometimes a battery will short; happened to my Mothers car. Have the Dealer check it out, to be sure. If it's the battery, get the replacement. You can sell it, if you decide to go Optima!:p
I've heard some bad things about optimia's and there longivity. A buddy of mine had one that didnt last a year. If it's under warrenty just take it to the stealership.
Just say no to optima the problem is if it ever goes dead its a pain to charge them that being said I've never owned one but my group avoids them like the plague $$$$ also
It seems way to soon for the battery in a 2011 vehicle to fail. Something is wrong with the battery or an aftermarket extra is pulling juice. Start w the stealership and hopefully they will solve it.
Sounds like a shorted cell to me. Been wheeling with this Jeep? The plates will break off inside the battery and short together resulting in a no start, then later, they will get jostled enough to not be shorted together and it will start. Dealer will replace it for nothing. I take it there until it's out of warranty, then get an Odyssey.
My service truck is a 2011 3500 Dodge Ram, the truck was having issues starting after sitting for a little while, passenger side battery was no good and they replaced it under warranty. Just an FYI they are going to have to charge the battery for 1 hr before they test it, that is part of the Chrysler diagnostics. Good Luck
Adding to NCDiesel Wrench= Moms' car went dead twice, at home, about a week apart. The second time my Brother jumped it off,he took it to the Dealer, which could nothing wrong, but reflashed the computer. They told us, if it happens again, don't jump it, have it towed in, & tested. So, 3 days later, that's what happened, & then they found the battery was shorted.
Thanks guys, have an appointment with the dealership Friday morning. We'll see what comes of it.