Bad Seller/Buyer list!


Not a new member
Oct 22, 2005
Wish this board had a list you could check out the history of folks before you had to deal with them. Maybe it would save a lot of BS. My list would contain

as bad buyers!
Both are pieces of work and chicken shits in my book!
And yes Bigwoody I know!
Rant off.

I do agree though. There is ALOT of buisness that goes on here with alot of people. It would be nice to have a bad sellers section.
Tell us what happened. Not fair to post something like this & not give it up.:popcorn:
Yeah Paul, we want "The rest of the story"

BTW, Steve if the ATV is up for sale again, I have a guy at work that may be interested.
There is a Ebay feedback type system that integrates into the forum software.. pretty cool. if any mod is interested i can get you the info for it...
Without going into all the drawn out details, boths parties had agreed to purchase something of which I was going to meet them part way. The first item was agreed on Monday to meet Thurs evening (a few week ago). Both parties stated if anything came up we would call. Wed evening came and I had to load up vehicle. In the pooring rain. I tried to call, but no answer and left message. Since I was leaving from work in order to make our agreed time frame I went ahead and loaded up the Jeep. Drug the jeep to work on Thurs figuring I would get a call. Nothing! I left numerous voicemails, nothing. Had to drag it back home and unload everthing. Have not heard a worsd from him since but he is on the board all the time. The only thing it would have took was to answer or return my call. I know crap comes up and things change, but why can't people man up and just tell you instead of trying to run and hide.

Item 2 was supposed top be drop off yesterday. I specifically told the guy that I need to know if he is serious and was going to show up because I would not have room on the return trip to haul it back. Yes no problem he said. I loaded it on the trailer and again took it to work to leave from there. The guy calls me at 12:15pm yesterday to make sure we were still on for 7-7:30 meet. I said yes, and again ask him to make sure he was gonna show and he said yes. A no at that time would have given me the opportunity to leave it at work and still make my other pickups. I call the guy at approx 6:45 to make sure we are good. No answer, left 2 messages, NOTHING. This meant that I had to cancel my last pick up and now have to make another trip to the Greensboro area. Still no return call this morning or nothing. I don't see how people can give their word to someone and then not follow through. As the old saying goes "you are as good as your word" to me these guys are zeroes.

I normally just let this crap slide, but these last two were too close together I guess.:rolleyes:
There is a Ebay feedback type system that integrates into the forum software.. pretty cool. if any mod is interested i can get you the info for it...
We've got it on through vBulletin. It's called iTrader and you just click on a link below each user name and it profiles their selling/buying history and feedback. Makes it a no-brainer as to whether or not you'd want to deal with a person.

Here's mine, hope you don't need a membership to view it:
What about a list of good buyers and sellers as well. We all do a lot of buying/selling/trading on here, and it would be nice to know who has a good track record as well.
What about a list of good buyers and sellers as well. We all do a lot of buying/selling/trading on here, and it would be nice to know who has a good track record as well.

I agree. I have done business with quite a few and havent had a single issue. But if i was in 89Wrangler's shoes i would be real pissed off. Hell I had a guy last week sell me a Taco door. Passed through 2 other guys just to save me fuel. That is a stand up deal/guy!
im sorry about that it was suppsed to be picked up by my friend ben which is the number you had he told me he spoke with you so i thought everything was good, then i get this shitty PM (wich i dont blame you i would be pissed to) im sorry i guess i sould have made sure he was going to get it but i trusted him, now i know i can not, i am very sorrry about that, i called him today and he said he forgot wich is shitty because i told him you didnt have room on the trailer for it on the way home. again im sorry for his actions
I appologize for calling you out, but you were the one I thought I was dealing with. Good friend you have there. I will remove your name from the list. Thanks for contacting me.

I also agree with the good seller list. I have way more good people I have delt with than the bad. Would make it easier when making descisions about holding items, excepting payment , ect if such list or reference list was available.
again im very sorry about all he has done to you. and tell me abought what a good friend he is, now i know
i think it would be a good idea on a feed back thing, on they have a trader rating kinda like ebay but it seems to work very good over there, but its just a thought
We've got it on through vBulletin. It's called iTrader and you just click on a link below each user name and it profiles their selling/buying history and feedback. Makes it a no-brainer as to whether or not you'd want to deal with a person.
Here's mine, hope you don't need a membership to view it:

iTrader is not currently compatible with NC4x4. We also won't be installing any new modifications until the vB 4.0 betas roll out, but I'm happy to consider any mods you'd like to see here. PM me a link and I'll take a look at it.
I've had tons of transactions here and as a general rule, pan out well. I'm a pretty trusting and conciencious guy, and unfortunately sometimes forget that not everybody has the same sense of their "presence" here (or time to keep up w/ it).

My only concern w/ a rating system is some sort of way for replies/explanation or people to change their ratings later. For instance I've had a time or two that there was some ocnfusion and things didn't work out right at first, but then later it was cleared up everything was cool with both parties.
And also (unfortunately) you occasionally have that guy who gets pissy and bitches about a seller when it's plain not their fault or they misinterpereted the state of the product or whatever, the buyer takes it out on seller when they should not etc.
I have bought/sold a decent amount of things on here and have never had a bad experience with anyone
I personally just like the "calling out a really bad seller in chit chat after you've tried everything else" method. It doesn't happen often at all, but whenever it does...things usually get fixed. And it's not hard to search someones username to see if they suck.
I would suggest we stick with a bad seller sticky at the top of each for sale forum. There are a ton of good sellers, and I just assume that they aren't a bad buyer/seller until interaction proves otherwise. Kinda the whole innocent until proven guilty thing.
x2 but maybe just one list
It would be one list in one thread, but the link to the thread would be a sticky at the top of each for sale forum.