Balancing tire w/ tube


You look like a monkey and smell like one too
May 18, 2005
Churchville, MD
so i've got a 33" MT w/ a good sidewall gash. Found a local place that will put a tube in it.
Previously I've been using wheel weights to balance it - with debatable results. Figured it's time to switch to bead/water balancing anyway.

Sooo... the magic question is... can you still do thsi w/ a tubed tire? Would it go inside the tube, or between it and the tire?
Even if I could get them to patch the inside of the wall so it's water tight, will it still wok, or will the tube just keep the water/beads from moving around? Likewise, the inside of the tube is not the same "round" that the tire is, so I'd think that the water wouldn't really end up in the right places to balance at speed?
If you put a tube in there, the only way to alternative balance would be to put the material in the tube. If you are using it as a spare, I wouldn't even worry about balancing it. I've found many times, unbalanced tires are still plenty smooth up to about 60-65mph. Im sure there are exceptions, but I would try it first, then balance if needed.
you dont want material in the tube, it will rip it.
In the tire outside the tube would com out the gash you tubing to correct.

Wait until a new decade and try water with good tires.
No you can't do that with a tube. Also you shoudl consider a good vulcanize type patch. I had a bogger done and couldn't tell it had been patched other than the r in bogger was gone. Also no need for a tube. It can be tricky to get a place that will do it. I took mine to a place that does semi tires.