Okay, let's play.
Huh, sorry Ron - I must have been mistaken about the whole confrontation and violence thing.
Now here are my quotes.
WARNING - It's a bunch of repetition.
By the way, it's worth mentioning that my first post in this thread was all of five letters.
Since I type to much, I'll sum it up.
Don't do anything stupid.
There. Four letters.
Then there's this..
I'm not sure what you are going for here. Intimidation? Threats? Or are you just trying to name drop without name dropping? Regardless, it's all ironic considering you said no one is pushing confrontation.
Anywho - You can't see it, but I'm shaking in my pink velcro snow boots.
Just kidding.
I'm actually making jacking off motions with my hand and saying 'sploooshhh!'
Since Ron likes pictures, here's one summing up my singular constant theme throughout this thread when it comes to you dealing with this by yourself or your
Bovine Dick Beaters Club (I really don't mean anything by making fun of your name, it just tickles me. I blame
@Paul for bringing it up.

) :
That's every post of mine summed up into a single picture.
Actually, I seem to be one of the few rational voices in here.
Oh man. Last night, I actually LOL'd when I read this.
Anywho. Click this buddy:
Urban Diction - GARGON
You're also the first person to ever compare me to a liberal, so that's kind of neat. If you're just reaching for the worst insult you can find, that's a pretty good one. But since it doesn't apply, whoomp-whoomp.
Since you think so highly of him, you should probably give a shit about him not doing something rash that he'll regret later.
"If he guaranteed something...Id be inclined to count on it."
Like what? I thought all the confrontational stuff is in my head?
But here you are. Implying it again.
I'm glad you finally accepted my advice after so much threatening talk and back and forthin'.
Looks like I win.