Best Buy's Laptops


No Rain, No Rainbow
Mar 17, 2009
Looking to purchase a laptop for the wife. She can do some work from home and when she has our daughter with her the little one gets pissed if she goes in the office to get on the computer. I have a gift card for Best Buy and my budget is $400. Can anyone guide a technologically challenged dude through the decision making process?
Exactly what are her needs? What does she do? Depending on that, she could need a full-frame laptop with a good processor and graphics. But if she's just doing some data entry, answering emails and such, then she could potentially get away with a netbook or tablet with a detachable keyboard. I stay home with my two, and I like my netbook. Ultra portable, durable, and works great for keeping up with craigslist and stuff. We had a nice 17" laptop before this, and it was cumbersome to move around and heavy on your lap. The netbook is a great compromise if you don't do anything that's graphics-intensive or processor heavy.
She works with some data entry, emails, web browsing and the such. However, I would like the ability to process some photos and edit wheeling videos and the such. Maybe one day get a GoPro. No gaming or anything like that. One feature that would be attractive would be a web cam so distant friends and relatives can see the little one and chat. I would rather have more capabilities than less, even if they are not used because I don't want to make a purchase like this every year, but like I said I am border-line tech illiterate.
My vote is a nice said above, its very portable and can prop it up and work basically on anything. They are usually below what your budget is.
Everything comes with a webcam anymore. And if it doesn't, they're cheap. Don't make that a deal-breaker. You could probably get by with a good tablet, but I'd be looking for a smaller, well-appointed laptop Something like could be the best of both worlds, but it's a little out of your budget, and the Android operating system might hold you back in the software availability department. I think it would do all you need, though. The nice thing about standard netbooks and laptops is repairability. Hard drives, RAM, screens, etc. are all easily replaceable. The biggest benefit I see to a tablet is the touchscreen. That could be pretty cool when editing vids and pics, and is certainly nice when surfing the web. Plus, the kiddo can play kiddie games on it eventually.
As far as netbooks go, the place I take computers to for repairs says to stay away from them.
A look at list 170 laptops for less than $400.00.
IMHO .... And I repeat, IMHO, in that price range I would look at the best thing I could afford in a Lenova.
Two years ago I didn't think much of them, but my wife has one ( much cheaper than $400.00 ) and it has
been absolutely trouble free.

IMHO, just my .02 cents, etc, etc
