Best stuff to get rid of ants?


The Jeeper Reaper
Aug 9, 2005
Wake Forest, NC
Someone lead me in the right direction, these little buggers are driving me insane. I have them in my new kitchen, they started crawling around before I even had any food in there!

Traps don't work, the Spectracide you sprinkle on the foundation doesn't work, the stuff you spray in the yard works for a week or so but they come right back.

There has to be something better than the stuff I get at Home Depot.

And it can't kill my dog and cat either. :lol:
Ground Red Cayenne powder. I keep my dog food in a trash can in the garage. I noticed the ants had found it as well. so I sprinkled cayenne powder on the floor around it. they got the hell out of dodge and haven't come back.

This also works as a good deterrent for your dog if he's digging holes. sprinkle the powder in the hole and sit back and laugh. eventually the dog stops digging.
Go to Lowes and buy TERRA, it is a little bottle and it WORKS GREAT! Put it out in their ant trail and let them eat! Inside or outside! Takes about 24hrs. This stuff works!
Seven Dust is my choice for outside where my pets and kids aren't. If you can find where they are coming in, I've had good results sprinkling cinnimon in the area. For some reason they will not cross over cinnimon and it's safe for kids and pets. It does make dogs sneeze a bit if they get a snout full, though...
Seven Dust is my choice for outside where my pets and kids aren't. If you can find where they are coming in, I've had good results sprinkling cinnimon in the area. For some reason they will not cross over cinnimon and it's safe for kids and pets. It does make dogs sneeze a bit if they get a snout full, though...

he's got a point there. cinnamon and garlic pills or garlic salt work.
we've been thru all the store-bought stuff. Little to no improvement.

Found something this week that is working.

Go to the store (grocery/walmart) and get 20 Mule Team Borax (it's on the detergent aisle). Mix 3 parts pancake syrup or honey with 1 part Borax. Heat the syrup to make it easier to mix. Dribble it here and there around your yard. Also do a dry mix, 3 parts powdered sugar to 1 part borax. Don't put too much of either in any one spot, so you dog or whatever won't lap it up, just a little squirt/sprinkle.

3 days, and there are a heck of a lot less ants in the yard.
Boric acid is a tried and true method but doesn't always get them! lol
Go to a John Deere/Lesco Landscapes dealer, one who sells pesticides. Buy a bag of Top Choice for the outside (it's very expensive) and spread it starting at your foundation and work your way out. Top Choice takes about 3-4 weeks to really work so in the mean time also buy a bottle of Cross Check, mix it per directions and spray it inside and outside FOLLOWING THE DIRECTIONS! and you'll be ant free for about a year.