Best value in D60 high steer arms?


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2005
Locust, NC
I have the D44 high steer stuff down pat, but I don't know squat about D60 high steer, except for what I learned surfing tonight.

I'm going full high steer with a kingpin D60 and I need arms. I prefer the single hole arms for an inverted-T tierod arrangement. Also, I'm assuming I can use a flat arm on a SOA (with fairly flat springs) without spring/tierod interference. I hope I'm right.

I've looked at (in no particular order):
Harsh Terrain
Parts Mike

Ballistic Fab has a nice arm "kit", but they only come in a single/double hole style.

I could use "cheapo" arms like Harsh Terrain, etc, but then I'd need to buy stud kits and rebuild kits (to get the kingpin caps). By the time I get all that I could get something nicer.

Parts Mike looks like he has what I'm looking for. I'm thinking that's the way I'm gonna go.

Am I on the right track? Any other suggestions?
BTW What's up with the kingpin spring vs. set-screw?
I would go ahead and do a full kingpin rebuild (top AND bottom) before installing the arms.

I went with KOZ offroad simply due to price. I'm running heims on my TR/DL so I didn't have a need for the tapered arms.

Also, I'd suggest drilling whatever arms you get out to 3/4" if your running a ram. Buddy of mine was bending his 5/8" grade 8's like nobody's business.
I've got the same questions as I'm about to do the same thing. I know KOZ makes some cheap/stout ones. I wouldn't bother with Blue Torch:shaking: So who is the NC vendor for steering arms?
I would support any NC vendors on here,

When I did my 60's, I used Harsh terrain arms on both sides, Aaron with harsh terrain did me right, and they are quality built pieces, as far as the Kingpin stuff, I went with Jim's offroad for the kingpin stuff, he had the best prices and was close
i used harsh terrain, liked them a lot. then again, i havent had the chance to try the high $ ones. im sure their higher for a reason. id plan on getting the stud kits anyway. might as well replace the passenger bolts while your in there anyway.
I'm in the market for 2 sets of D60 high steer arms. I'm looking into machining my own, but at the KOZ price, I can't make my own for that cheap...

Any vendors have prices for the 60 arms they care to share?
Thanks for all the feedback.
I decided to go with the Parts Mike kit. I like the idea of having a set screw to adjust the kingpin preload vs the factory spring, just to make sure everything stays where it's supposed to be. If anybody else is interested, I had them set me up as a vendor so I can get their stuff at a little discount.
Also, I will have a set of KOZ arms and studs available if anybody needs them.
Parts Mike
Dana 60 high steer arm kit - springless - adjustable 2 arms (L&R), 8 ARP 1/2" fine studs, 8 lock nuts, 2 - 2/3" adjusting screws, 2 jam nuts, 2 adjusting washers, 2 nylon bushings, 2 zerk fittings.
270.00 tax and shipping included