Personally, I'm not a big fan of A/T's. Yes they're good in the snow and ice, yes they're a great on road tire, but I don't like them much off road. Probably because I stick to the mud and/or muddy trails. On top of that, I've had BFG M/T's last as long as the A/T's. I've also had 3 sets of SSR's that average 45,000 miles per set, and I only got 53,000 miles out of A/T's. I do alot of driving, so that extra 8000 miles would only give me an extra 3 months of life. So I usually use SSR's as my 'A/T' on DD rigs because there's not much difference to me in mileage (to me), the SSR's are more capable, and definitely add the extra 'cool' factor.
That said, if you're gonna be doing alot of ice/snow driving (which I doubt in NC, hahaha), or those extra 8000 miles mean alot to you...then go AT's.