bird poop


no shirt,no shoes,no dice
Mar 24, 2005
The sh!t's getting bad, literally. We never see the crapper, but there is at least one bird who has been perching in our driveway, on our vehicle side mirrors, and crapping all down them. Our next door neighbors are reporting this too. For weeks, we've been pushing the mirrors in, now the wife is putting plastic shopping bags on, but they keep coming and leaving their evidence down the sides of our vehicles.
We've thought of a few things. Cleaning the garage out and pulling the minivan in just isn't gonna happen anytime soon. Wondering if some of those fake owls sitting on top will deter them. Even considered making some evil eyes out of white masking tape on the black mirrors.
No bullshit this is happening to my truck! I figured it's cause it's got huge ass mirrors, not tow mirrors, but they're still huge. Fawkin birds shit all over them and my black paint and my wife's Audi. Unreal!
Buy a cat.
I should've mentioned we're not getting any cats, or giving the green light to operation preteen duckhunt/you'll shoot yer eye out.
I had the same problem at my house, I ended up making a "spike strip" using push pins, and putting that on top of the mirrors each night with rubber bands. After a while I was able to leave it off and the bird never came back. More than likely it is a bird with a nest close by and they see their reflections in the mirror/window and go to defend their turf, if all else fails, after the eggs hatch and the little birds are gone, you may be safe until next spring.
cover the mirror. they're attacking themselves. I watched a bird do this one time. the damn thing would raise all amounts of hell and start flapping and pecking the mirror to attack the "other bird". obviously, one portion of the attack is to shit on the other one.
Have you tried shooting them with a BB gun?

A shotgun will also work, but it's hell on the paint.
We have mockingbirds and bluebirds galore. The bluebird house, in the backyard, is full of previous nests, maybe they have migrated to the front yard/driveway and started a turf war with the mockingbirds.
And they are definitely fighting their own reflections. There are peck marks and scratches all over the mirrors.
BUy some cheap car covers for the time being. It's usually mockingbirds fighting with their reflections. They are territorial.
BUy some cheap car covers for the time being. It's usually mockingbirds fighting with their reflections. They are territorial.
I've had the same problem with Cardinals
I've had the same problem with Cardinals

We have a Cardinal who lives in the woods on the south side of our house. He has been trying to kill himself in the windows since we had the house built 3 years ago. Fool bird won't learn! It is crazy. We tried a fake owl and also hanging wind blowing type decorative things outside the windows, but nothing deters him. He is not afraid of Olaf the cat either.