Black Ops

I haven't played online until this weekend. I may never play the regular game again:) The Death Match with 2 teams of 6 or 7 is pretty cool and the zombie game rocks. My son and 2 other guys went to level 16 then we got loaded in with some guys that had their on plans and didn't get that far again. Oh yeah we are on the ps3.
I play on the ps3, for a week or so I played alot, but lately I might play a few games a weekend.

The wager games are where its at, one in the chamber :D
I'm not far enough along to bet on me. Unless I can bet against myself:)
I'm not far enough along to bet on me. Unless I can bet against myself:)

I got myself up to 125k one night playing high stakes, then another night, the next time I played, I got beat alot, down to like 15k.

I might start playing in the evenings a few nights a week if anyone wants to add me.

PS3 - Insanity A7X (I used to be XJFREAKHO, but my old room mate wanted to keep it so I let him have it)
I'm heard I could add a sub account for my son. He doesn't want me living off his shirt tail with all his good scores and points. I will friend request you next week some time Im cj7junkman.
I love it! Have been playing it non stop! I got it when it first came out but didnt have an online account so I beat the campaign in no time. Now that I have Xbox live its a whole new game!

Zombies are the best! But I hate playing with the little kids on there, I wish you could sort the gamestate by the age of the player.

Anyone on Xbox add me up: That white guy4

I couldn't really get into BLACK OPS and thought Medal of Honor wasn't much better.
I went back to playing Battlefield Bad Company 2 and haven't looked back. You guys should check it out, I think there's a demo for it on PSN. It's cheap, $37 and that version includes 1943 for free and some unlock codes for weapons. 1943 is really cool all by itself and sells for $10 on PSN: