bleeding entire brake system


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2005
Both of my trucks '96 and '97 Chevy 1 ton and 2500 have a lot of black/soot looking stuff in the master cylinders.
I've replaced the calipers a few times because they are getting frozen/stuck. I've siphoned out the fluid in the M/C and bled the brakes very well but the calipers keep ending up stuck.
I don't have a power bleeder but am looking into getting one.
I have replaced and lubed the slider bolts and sleeves and have generally made sure everything is in good working order.
Does anyone have any experience with this and can you lend any advice as to how to keep the fluid clean?
I watched Carver do this once...

He opened a pair of bleeders (rear), blew compressed air over them until it was running out, & just kept the MC level topped off.

I did the same last year when I swapped the Marquis MC in along with new rear brake components... bleed front & back until the fluid was clean from all bleeders (about 1.5 qts. = fawkin mess as I have no mighty vac either :shaking: )
the bleeder screw hole. it creates a vacuum and pulls the fluid thru the brake system. Other than that (for bleeding) I much prefer the Speed Bleeders (Bleeder screws).

By stuck, do you mean the Calipers freeze, or they won't unlock due to brake fluid pressure behind the caliper piston?
Stuck as in frozen open most of the time. Once one got stuck closed and warped the crap out of a rotor before I could get home (about a mile)
frozen/stuck open on a regularly used brake? hhmm.

When working right, do they work good? Good pressure, etc.?

how are your hard lines and rubber hoses? any kinks, dents, pinches? see any leaks? I'd imagine you'd have said "Hey I got a leak, but am choosing to ignore it." :grin: but just want to cover all that simple chit too.
frozen/stuck open on a regularly used brake? hhmm.
When working right, do they work good? Good pressure, etc.?
how are your hard lines and rubber hoses? any kinks, dents, pinches? see any leaks? I'd imagine you'd have said "Hey I got a leak, but am choosing to ignore it." :grin: but just want to cover all that simple chit too.
Brakes are used very regularly for stopping.
When they work right, they work good. When they don't work right, they don't work so good. It'san adventure when one starts to stick open, it kinda pulls hard the other way when that happens. :D
No leaks, pinches, etc.
ok, so new Calipers, hoses and lines are in good shape... does it happen to either left or right more often?

And the same thing is happening on two different Chevy trucks One model year apart? Only issue thing you can find wrong is that the Fluid goes black? (aside from the brakes sticking)

sound about right?
I've not replaced the M/C's on either truck. I think they're plastic but I could be wrong. I did repalce the Hydraboost on the oneton a while back.
I've probably bought and replaced 6 calipers and it doesn't matter which side.
the reservoir on the MC is probably plastic, but the MC will either be Aluminum or Cast Iron.

I'm not saying that's what your issue, or to throw parts at it, just a thought to check on.