Blue ridge parkway ticket

yes. Fed tickets will show up.
But you can deal with it just like any state ticket... show up for court, ask for PBJ or plea bargain to something else.
Or just pay a lawyer to do the same.
It will be at whatever the local fed district courthouse is.

Source: first hand experience that cops on army posts have little to do and a different definition of trivial things from most other cops :D
subpoena the officer and see what happens. In my case usually bits dropped. The officer never wants to come up
When you supena a cop herein Ky that means he will have to be there so be careful in what you do,
In MD they have to be there anyway. If you show up to court and they are not there you can to have the case dropped. Right to face your accuser (6th amendment). I'd be surprised if thats not universal. Maybe the difference is the requirement to ask vs being default.
Wasn't far from there the office said they write 100s of tickets a month in that area due to it padding the coffers. I asked when the last one happened and he just handed me my ticket and walked back to his car
this is why he didn't answer.
May be true. But as the saying goes. Do the crime pay the fine. If you want to defund the police don’t break the law (speed)
Sure, but sometimes the line of what activity is a crime is conveniently moved based on finances and not just safety.
What is a crime doesn't change, but the enforcement of said crime does...
It does when they change the speed limit for "bears" when no such a problem actually exists.
We have the same thing in an area up here. Years ago it was an area w/ a lot of deer and there were several deer strikes, so somebody lobbied to reduce the speed limit there. Over time the area developed enough, no more random deer, but the cops learned it was a great place to spend their time generating revenue. So the speed limit has never gone back up, depite there being no logical need for it to be what it is any more.

We even have a "headlight required zone" that is in the middle of suburbia, because it USED to be rural and apt to fog and random animals. People still get tickets there because there is no motivation on behalf of the city to remove the restriction.
I received two big ones in the past. Like YIKES, I messed up.

Paid the ticket and that was it. Used to be tickets on parkway were federal and just expensive as hell but didn’t hit your license.

I took that as gospel and would routinely run 100 plus on sport bikes knowing I’d just pay the ticket, however I got popped for worse vehicular fines…and none involved alcohol for the kids at home