Body Damage and your Trail Rig

I bought my XJ with out a single dent ( also my first trali rig ). Altho I didn't baby it I tried not to beat it up. After an unfortunate run in with a bank at The Flats in the mud, I bent up the left front fender and broke th eheader pannel. Since then...... I've beat the hell out of it.

I crushed the rockers to the point the dorrs were close to not shutting, I had NOVACANE76 replace them with a piece of 2X6 layed flat. Last time out, I bent the rain gutters pretty bad. The left rear door and quater are also showing some serious wear.

It's not a DD but I do drive it to the Flats to wheel. It's getting close to being a trailer rig.

I do have more fun now that I'm not worried about scrubbing trees or rocks. The only thing I'm nervous about is roll over. I guess the next thing NOVACANE getts to do will be a cage. :driver:
To me it's just adds character and stories. As long as it's not to bad I really dont care.
when i got my first good beating on my truck during wheeling, i was a little set back, but now i love it. i like a beat to poo well-wheeled truck
Chicks dig body damage nuff said.