Brown Mtn. 12-26-10


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2005
So some folks have said they're going...
It's snowing right now.....
I'm game!

someone needs to take the reins and make a meet place/time, and figure where we're getting our trail passes from and i'll be there.

I will be there , myself and yodakid definetly, asnd probably mike burrell, well be there aboyut 11, itll be a damn blast, well have at least tw0 or three of the trailjammers there, ps this is 4banger tj talkin to you
I went up last night, Met someone in a Black H1 hummer. I dont know who they were but Damn they were trying to do donuts in the parking lot and Slammed the curb twice....i think they were going to stop and talk to me but i think out of embarassment they left.....the H1 and Me was the the only people that had treaded on the Trail as of around 11:30.
i planned on going, but my stupid t/c linkage is all jacked up from the 1" t/c drop and i can't adjust it to a point that it WON'T pop out. so i gotta try to cut some brackets at work tomorrow if i get time

Met up with the TrailJammers. Had a great time!




Had a small problem with fan relay








ai26.photobucket.com_albums_c128_jetprwler_Brown_20Mt_2012_2026_2010_3cabc1f5.jpg the end of trail end up going through the woods and the trail gets fairly tight, but easily passable. you go and go, and then there's a steep hill that that doesn't look like it's a trail anymore. I ended up at that...wasn't sure what to do, and just turned around and came back down. I thought it looped back into trail 1? Also, i went up trail one and at the very top there's big property line signs that are kind of an opening. At the back of the opening there's a really narrow hill....that appears to just keep getting that still part of 1?

i hope that makes sense
we have a small cabin up in linville ridge... i have never been over to the actual entrance but i heard from someone that there is an enterance to it from the parkway where it meets old jonas ridge road, its just a gravle road with no signs, i have drven by the road many times and lastly on saturday in the snow. its prolly 4 miles from crossnore and 5 from linville. anybody firmiliar with the area and know if this is true? still want to take my jeep to the trails there but have not had the time