Actually, anyone (And everyone) from LA is NOT considered part of "society". Unbeknownst to everyone there, the whole rest of the WORLD is hoping LA falls off into the ocean. Every time we see the news of another earthquake we all secretly hope this is the one that will rid the world of all you environmentalist MF'ers so we can wheel where we want.
You all think you're doing the world a favor, but in reality the whole world hates you.
I'm sorry, what were you guys saying, i was playing with myself while online and at the same time i was dreaming about having a girlfriend. Here is a pic of me as I like to go out on the weekends...
It wouldn't suprise me if you did look like that goahill!! have you checked out the thread on the pscyo-teacher. I'll bet you agree with him too! oh sorry you don't have a diamond, you can't come into the garage with the rest of us